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23 min read

Leveraging tech to meet the challenges in merchant services

Traditional banks were once the ‘go-to’ force in merchant payments but technology has changed the landscape. No longer a monopolistic banking activity, but a lively fintech opportunity, payments is opening up new business for all players. And, with rising interest rates and business demands and a need to reduce transaction costs, those who control payments have more cash flow and greater opportunity to diversify.


To stay competitive – banks must implement the right strategies now – not just to attract new customers, but to retain existing ones.

In this e-book, we explore the challenges, threats, and opportunities facing banks and how banks can leverage technology to meet the challenges in merchant services head-on.


We’ll cover how banks can navigate complexity and scale in such an evolving landscape and be guided by Endava’s Global Head of Payments, Andy Davies.


Access the e-book today by completing the form.


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