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Impact /

Helping tackle climate change

Environmental Impact Hero

We care about our impact on the world and follow sound environmental practices to reduce our environmental footprint.

We believe environmental transparency is crucial for a sustainable future and are committed to playing our part in accelerating climate action.

Mark Thurston

Chief Financial Officer, Endava


Journey to net zero

Our immediate priority is to reduce our carbon footprint. We’re also working towards setting near-term and net zero greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with SBTi’s net zero standard.

A white car on a winding road surrounded by trees.

2023 GHG Emissions – Scope 1 and 2

To achieve our environmental aim, we have focused on measuring and being transparent about our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In September 2023, we finalised our calculation of Global Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and produced an initial calculation of Global Scope 3 GHG emissions

Check out the pdf
A road winding through trees, their leaves changing colors in autumn.

2023 GHG Emissions – Scope 3

To achieve our environmental aim, we have focused on measuring and being transparent about our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In February 2024, we refined and finalised our calculation of Global Scope 3 GHG emissions.

Check out the pdf
A woman sits at a desk, and a man stands next to her as they look at a computer monitor.

PwC’s Assurance Reports

We received limited assurance over selected FY2023 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions metrics for the year ended 30 June 2023.

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Hands cradle a plant, supporting it with palms facing upward.

Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions Methodology

Read more about the criteria and the supporting methodologies that we have adopted for reporting Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for FY2023.

Check out the pdf
Treetops with emissions, indicating pollution or industrial activity.

Scope 3 GHG Emissions Methodology

Learn more about the criteria and the supporting methodologies that we have adopted for reporting Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for FY2023.

Check out the pdf

Engaging with suppliers

We appreciate the impact our supply chain has on our carbon and environmental footprint. To mitigate this, we are prioritising engagement with strategic suppliers to identify emission reduction opportunities.


An example of this is working with SoftCat, one of our strategic IT suppliers, to understand how we can jointly drive down emissions. 

It was the first time I’ve had such a call with a customer, and I am excited by the opportunity to create a real partnership in this area between Endava and Softcat!

James Morgan

Client Director, Softcat

CD badge 2023

Embracing environmental transparency

The businesses we work with are demanding more environmental transparency from us. To meet this requirement, we've been making environmental disclosures to Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an independent non-profit organisation, since 2022. Completing the CDP’s Climate Change questionnaire allows us to maintain our focus on achieving net zero emissions.


Managing our footprint

We are working to improve the accounting and monitoring of our consumption of natural resources. We are striving to minimise our footprint and here are some of the things we are doing:

  • Using environmental sustainability checklists for new and existing office buildings
  • Prioritising green-certified (LEED/BREEAM) buildings for our new offices
  • Collecting recyclables separately, including the waste from electric and electronic equipment
  • Increasing the share of renewable energy used in our operations

Achieving ISO 14001 certification

We continue to rollout our environmental management system across Romania and Moldova. In the last financial year 11 locations in the two countries achieved the ISO 14001 certification compared to seven the previous year. 

Walking the talk

Across the countries in which we operate we’re taking action to meet our environmental objectives.

Clean energy for daily commute

We are offering free electric vehicle charging to all Endavans at our office in Iasi, Romania.

Upgrading our waste management

At our offices in Slovenia, we implemented the Bokashi Organko system to turn biodegradable waste into compost.

Extending the lifecycle of IT equipment

We’re donating computer peripherals to the Fundación Equidad, a foundation that gives unused equipment to schools and charitable organisations.


2023 Sustainability Report

Creating a positive impact on the world around us

Read our report

2023 Sustainability Report

Creating a positive impact on the world around us

Read our report

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