Success snapshot

Strategy and Delivery of a Fuel Management System for Banlaw

Energy and Resources


Banlaw’s five-year strategic plan includes expanding its client base, increasing market share and diversifying its portfolio. The organisation sought to develop a budget-friendly fuel management system to serve a range of industries that could be adapted to suit a global user base.

The client’s goal

Banlaw sought to:
  • Create a seamless experience between the software and hardware
  • Meet customer needs at a lower price point
  • Enable sustainable growth with a product requiring limited customer support
  • Maintain its reputation of quality and reliability in market
  • Ensure the product was easy to use and understand worldwide


With our collaboration, the client launched ‘ResTrack Lite’, a quality fuel management system designed for small to medium operators. This product can effortlessly track, manage and secure fuel usage.

The result delivered:

We helped to deliver ResTrack Lite, including: 
  • A hardware controller
    Installed by the customer on their existing onsite fuel tanks, this uses Bluetooth to connect to the mobile app and storage to enable access to fuel and track usage.
  • A mobile app
    Used by system administrators and fuel users, this connects and configures hardware controllers, secures, as well as dispensing fluid and records transactions.
  • Cloud software
    Used by system administrators and office staff, this manages fluid usage and tank levels, facilitating registration, configuration, management and data visualisation.

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